Sunday, June 23, 2019

Slave Morality and Masonic Religious Pluralism

In his 1884 encyclical, Humanum Genus Pope Leo XIII stated the following of the Freemasons and secret societies:

"First, in this way they easily deceive the simple-minded and the heedless, and can induce a far greater number to become members. Again, as all who offer themselves are received whatever may be their form of religion, they thereby teach the great error of this age-that a regard for religion should be held as an indifferent matter, and that all religions are alike. This manner of reasoning is calculated to bring about the ruin of all forms of religion, and especially of the Catholic religion, which, as it is the only one that is true, cannot, without great injustice, be regarded as merely equal to other religions." (pa. 16)

He is referencing the idea of religious pluralism or indifferentism that is the hallmark philosophy of Freemasonry. Upon initiation, Freemasons are allowed to swear upon whatever holy book they prefer. It is basically the idea of religious relativism. All religions are on an equal plain, all reveal something of the divine, and all are paths to salvation. Nothing could be more uncatholic. There is either truth or no truth.

The attractiveness of such a proposition is obvious as it hearkens back to the cause of the fall of man. There is either a ontological structure and truth outside of us that measures who and what we are, or we are the measure of things. The whisper of the serpent can be heard silently in the wisdom of Freemasonic pluralism/relativism. Man brings himself to the Masonic temple, and man justifies himself in his own religion or no religion. Man becomes the measure of things, rather than God and His ontology being the measure of man. As the pope notes, this is calculated to destroy all religion as it leads directly to naturalism (there is no God), since the truths of religion are no truths at all under these auspices.

As Leo XIII notes, it is a deception of the simple mind to believe such indifferentism. Later in the encyclical Pope Leo XIII notes how morality goes out the window with such relativism and denial of the truth that the Catholic faith is the one true faith above all faiths. This indifferentism leads to a slave morality - license that is slavery - couched in the language of liberty. How could such pluralism cross into the sphere of action, into morality? How is it that this religious indifferentism squashes freedom in the moral realm? True freedom is a self-disciplining and training in virtue. Laws themselves are the bottom line encouragement for virtue. Exchange virtue for license, and slavery to the passions ensues. Virtue theory teaches that in order to be virtuous, one must obtain the mean of virtue in action. If one struggles with sexual lust, they must discipline the flesh to find the mean of virtue. That is, they must practice saying no to the pleasure to conquer it. The Catholic faith fits like a hand to glove with virtue theory as it simply adds the necessary element of grace to conquer our inordinate desires.

In the theological sphere, Christ showed us that the good is something that must be suffered for. Religious indifferentism is the glorification of the self, of man, as the arbiter of what is true and good. Once man is the arbiter and measure of truth, he no longer strives for the perfection of virtue, as attaining virtue requires self-disciplinary suffering.

By eliminating the importance of the sacrifice of Christ, religious indifferentism turns man over to the weakness of the flesh. In the religious sphere, we no longer have to strive after perfection through picking up our daily cross and suffering along side the savior. Instead, all religions being equal, we no longer need a savior or to make up for what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ. Thus, we no longer need turn to Christ in His sacraments to further our own virtue, we can just invent the good based on our subjective pleasures.

In the philosophical and psychological sphere, this leads to naturalism and the choice of pleasure over the arduous good of virtue. We lay down our striving, finding our final end in whatever passion is our weakness.

This is the backdoor through which all forms of debauchery slip in under the guise of religious pluralism. Now, like Luther, we sin with impunity and empower our lusts. At this point, though, we no longer lead. We are no longer free. Instead, our passions guide us into a slave morality. A morality in which we cannot say "no" to our lower desires.

Pope Leo XIII correctly noted how morality dies with religious indifferentism. Now that our culture is no longer Catholic and is Freemasonic, we can once again see how prophetic the Catholic Church is. The Freemasons have won the day (so far, it is a long war), and so we now see legislatures voting to murder infants, homosexual pederasty and pedophilia on display with children "drag queens," children marching next to naked men, men in little girls bathrooms, and on and on.

This is the result of the Freemasons capturing the culture. They captured the church and so captured the world - for now. The new world order is upon us, the new world order of slave morality and the tyranny of self. The devil's whisper has never been louder. We are little individuals at war with each other over our lower desires. We are a picture of hell because of our indifferentism. Wailing and gnashing at each other over selfish pleasure. Leo XIII stated it truly. The slave morality is upon us.

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