Friday, April 5, 2019


Readers of this blog, based off of the title "Resident Thomist" may be aware that I have a radio segment on KCRD called a "Minute with the Bellowing Ox." Through much prayer and fasting lately, the Lord has put it on my heart that the gift I've been given is that of teacher. 10 years ago I started the "Magisterial Warrior" blog that was rather polemical in its outlook. While I enjoy writing polemics, it dawned on me that in an unphilosophically trained epoch, the core of what I was writing may be missed. Similarly, I've wondered if the biting tone may turn hearts and minds away from Truth. Perhaps a more benevolent/educational approach to the foundations of my own thinking on the cultural issues of our day might prove more evangelical. Since I am one who had to work at understanding the heady philosophy of Aquinas and the whole tradition he came out of, I thought it would be pertinent to start a blog that teaches the philosophical basics before getting into polemics. Of course, the satanic foolishness of our culture may force my hand to sometimes temporarily lash out at untruth utilizing the philosophical categories of the Thomistic tradition. For KCRD, as well, I have been writing a newsletter and I have gotten feedback/requests to teach classes. The current familial situation and work requirements make it impossible for me to teach courses. So, I will take my musings here and hope that this becomes and online "course" that people will read. My vision for this blog is to be a single, simplified stop for philosophical inquirers into the Thomistic tradition. Polemics may come, but only because Truth is polemical and forces us to take sides. I am writing a newsletter for KCRD currently that is called "Foundations." This is where this blog will go. Once I figure out how to design, I hope to provide links to definitions within the Aristotelian categorical framework. I will post the "Foundations" newsletter postings on this blog, perhaps with a little tweaking so as to provide links and citations to sources, as well as to take it out of the 500 word format. Long term, I would like to see this get to "in medias res" where I started with soldiersofthemagisterium 10 years ago. Graduate school and children cut that blog off prematurely. We may get back to it again, but for now, this blog will be a foundation to the Thomistic worldview and why I find it the most compelling philosophy there is. In short, this will be a teaching blog. If I figure out how to design better, I'm hoping that the early postings can be sidebar links so students of philosophy can browse and find what they need to understand the Thomistic philosophical tradition. Of course, we will engage other philosophies, not to incorporate them, but to do battle with them the way all truth does battle. We will be as thoroughly Thomistic as we can be and engage no straw men. Finally, the vision is still in the "fluid" stage, and I reserve the right to let the muse strike me as fit. The main thrust will be educational, but there will most likely be commentaries along the way.